I still can't come up with an opinion on twitter. I'm not sure if I love it, or hate it, or lovate it (horray for making up words). With all these people selling out and joining the site, I was one of few to go the opposite way a little while back and delete my account.
I kind of miss it though. But I kind of don't. Here is what I said about it in February...
I just don’t see the point. The most misused feature of Facebook is the status update, which allows you to say how you’re feeling at one particular moment. The problem is that it sometimes becomes an outlet for frustration and not a true indicator of your mental state. Twitter basically is this status update, except more geared towards what you are doing rather than how you are feeling.
In general, this is still true. However, I've seen a shift in the past few months. People are using twitter either a) instead of facebook, which is being ignored by and large as a place to update statuses and b) on facebook, by simply sending their twitter updates to facebook. As a result, there are things you can get on twitter that aren't on facebook (some people's updates, and celebrity stuff, from bands, athletes, etc.)
Not sure if that's enough to make me rejoin. One of the major reasons I stopped using it was that I felt as if it was becoming a place for people to talk about all the great things they were doing, which is a pain in the ass. A place to gloat. I don't need to hear about that, and me being a naturally jealous person, it became frustrating. I'm doing better with that now, so possibly in the future I'll rejoin (especially as more people keep joining). We'll see. I never said I was off twitter forever, I would have prefered to 'deactivate' like you can do with facebook. May come back soon, or never. You never know.
Startup Day 1,264: A Sunset
5 weeks ago
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