Sunday, August 2, 2009

Glass Houses

Gloating is not my thing. I really don't like doing it, because we all fail, over and over again, and it's not fair to take pleasure in other people's misfortunes.

But there is one thing that I feel I can make an exception for. I have absolutely no respect for people who take a holier-than-thou approach to something, and it's hard not to feel good when it blows up in their face, even if you don't want to admit to it.

It is incredibly difficult not to feel some sort of perverse joys when the Larry Craig's of the world get caught in a homosexual relationship. When somebody makes a career out of attacking gays gets's just desserts. Honestly, if he had been accepting of gay relationships and had been caught in a relationship like that, I would have felt bad for him as he was skewered on all the late night talk shows.

Now, onto the point of this blog...David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez being caught doing steroids. I love it. It's hard not to, since I'm heavily biased in this area. But it isn't the fact that they are being torn to shreds that made me happy--it's the Boston fanbase that constantly said how they were the team that did things right, gloating in the failures of others while an investigation done by one of their employees found no evidence of PED's on the team. (I know it's been said by others more eloquent than me, but George Mitchell looks really, really bad right now. Somehow he was able to find cancelled checks from a million people except the people he was trying to protect. Interesting.)

So it serves them right. I take no pleasure in seeing two guys anyone with common sense could see were on steroids being caught in the act. I do take pleasure in seeing people taking the "We did it fairly" defense are now saying "well everyone was doing it..." Nice try. It's true, but it's a little late to use it now.

Everyone did do steroids. Meaning, no, those titles are not tainted. Their steroided guys beat other teams full of steroids. We'll never know if a team with 17 guys on steroids beat one with 13, or vice versa. However, we will know that nobody is immune to it. If you have a team, your team has a lot of guys who did steroids in the past 15 years. Playing the innocence card isn't going to work anymore.

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